Transformers: Age of Extinction (2014) Movie Review


Several years after the Battle of Chicago, Optimus Prime (voiced by Peter Cullen) and his Autobots remain in hiding. Meanwhile, a black-ops CIA team hunts them down. For fear of discovery, Optimus finds a human named Cade Yeager (Mark Wahlberg), who seeks his help.


If audiences thought Revenge of the Fallen was insufferable, prepare for Age of Extinction to give a similar feeling.

Age of Extinction has an all-new cast of humans, Autobots, and Decepticons.

Despite that, this film still manages to find a way to waste the viewers' time.

A general point of discussion concerns the amount of product placement in the film.

Previous Transformers movies had all had some form of product placement. Age of Extinction, though, glorifies them to an insulting level.

Every minute or so, there’s something to remind the audience that they are watching a product, not a movie.

This includes a new Lamborghini, Chevrolet, or Mark Wahlberg drinking Bud Light.

Mark Wahlberg's Cade is a mechanic and happens to know how to use alien weaponry.

Besides these basic traits, that’s the extent of his character. This is despite Wahlberg's suitability as an action star.

Yet another character in this film is Cade’s daughter Tessa (Nicola Peltz). She's yet another woman who serves one purpose: to look pretty.

Several other supporting characters join the movie. Most of which are either stereotypes or annoying. Take Tessa’s boyfriend in this movie as an example.

He's somehow even more annoying than Sam Witwicky’s college roommates from Revenge of the Fallen.

Other additions to this cast either spout government exposition or are unfunny comedians.

Michael Bay also attempts some hand-to-hand action sequences in this film.

They're impactful, yet shot without any precision or skill.

As with the other Transformers films, Age of Extinction has a good soundtrack. It also has some engaging sound design.

This film’s main antagonist, Lockdown, has a menacing theme. This makes his limited appearance worthwhile.


All things considered, Transformers: Age of Extinction is a tool used to produce money.

This is clear in the film’s excessive use of product placement.

This film's action sequences are decent as a whole. Despite this, they’re beginning to lose some of their energy and creativity.

For yet another Michael Bay explosion fest, it’s a slight recommendation. Still, that’s the most praise that this film is going to receive.

Sam’s Action Reaction score:

Characters - 4.5/10

Story - 4.5/10

Action - 6/10

CGI and visuals - 7/10

Soundtrack - 7/10

Overall score: 5.8 out of 10


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