Morbius (2022) Movie Review


Dr. Michael Morbius (Jared Leto) seeks to cure himself of a rare blood disease. In this attempt, though, he’s transformed into a living vampire. As a result, he requires human blood to stay alive and maintain his strength.


Morbius debuted as an anti-hero for Marvel icon Spider-Man during the 1970s.

Sony's decision to choose Morbius next was an odd one. This is despite them already having a more popular character in Venom.

What’s most evident when watching Morbius is how rushed and dated it feels in comparison to most other superhero blockbusters.

As soon as the film begins, audiences must watch a generic origin story. Given its generic nature, it stumbles more often than it succeeds.

As a whole, Leto's performance is decent here. Despite his decent performance, the scattered nature of the script doesn’t do him any favors.

An important rule of any superhero origin story is to relate an audience to its main character.

Beyond his rare blood disease, viewers don’t learn much more about Leto’s character. As a result, this limits story investment.

As fans should expect, this film deals with vampires. With that in mind, viewers would've thought that the visual effects would be above average.

This movie does explore some unique ideas with Morbius’ abilities.

Its action sequences, though, are far too fast-paced to comprehend.

There are also moments where two characters are fighting, and they switch to slow motion.

This makes for a very distracting film-watching experience.

Morbius' soundtrack/score is decent yet doesn’t stand out enough to make it memorable.

Morbius’ antagonist, Milo (Matt Smith), is yet another underdeveloped character.

As a whole, Matt Smith seems to have fun in certain scenes. Despite this, Milo is another copy-and-paste version of Morbius.

Yet another underdeveloped character is Michael Morbius’ love interest, Martine Bancroft (Adria Arjona).

There’s also no real connection between the two, which is more a result of the movie’s short runtime.


In conclusion, Morbius is a film that could've been good if it wasn’t hampered by studio interference.

This is obvious because of the clear lack of plot direction and character motives. Morbius also has dated action sequences.

Even for new Marvel fans, Morbius is nothing more than a rental.

Sam’s Action Reaction score:

Characters - 5/10

Story - 5/10

Action - 6/10

CGI and visual effects - 6/10

Soundtrack - 5.5/10

Overall score: 5.5 out of 10