Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) Movie Review
During the middle of WW2, Brooklyn-born Steve Rogers (Chris Evans) enlists in the US Army. They reject him due to his small stature. Steve soon receives a chance to join through the Super Soldier serum experiment. This transforms him into Captain America.
Marvel Studios’ next project was on the story of Captain America (Chris Evans).
One noticeable aspect of The First Avenger when compared with the Iron Man films is its setting.
As the film is set during WW2, the tone and color scheme are dark.
Despite The First Avenger's muted tone, it suits this period of history.
Chris Evans is the notable standout in this film. He portrays the character of Steve Rogers with vulnerability, bravery, and determination.
While these traits may symbolize a predictable character, Evans does well with the material.
This movie also focuses on Steve’s interactions with his best friend, Bucky Barnes (Sebastian Stan). It also focuses on his love interest, Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell).
Each of these characters helps to drive Steve’s character forward in satisfying ways.
This is also helped by Evans’s chemistry with the two actors.
This film has strong storylines with Bucky Barnes and Peggy Carter. Despite this, other side characters do not fare as well.
These characters serve as Steve Rogers’ comrades in the army. They're also present during the action scenes.
Outside of these sequences, these characters get no development, making them somewhat unnecessary.
Most of The First Avenger's action is CGI noise. While it's shot well and fast-paced, most of it isn't that inspired.
This also harms character development, such as during the final act.
Regardless of these issues, the soundtrack helps to keep the action from feeling too bland.
One other primary focus of the film is on the terrorist organization Hydra, led by Red Skull (Hugo Weaving).
Red Skull serves as the primary antagonist throughout The First Avenger. Weaving embodies the characters’ ruthlessness to good effect.
Hugo's character falters in his motivations and his final fight with Captain America.
As a whole, Captain America: The First Avenger succeeds for the most part.
This film’s strongest elements are its character interactions, world-building, and soundtrack.
Most of this film’s action in the final half falls short, for example.
A negative impact on pacing is also presented due to the film’s low-stakes action. It also has some unimportant side characters.
Regardless, The First Avenger is a good introduction to one of Marvel Comics’ veteran heroes.
Sam’s Action Reaction score:
Characters - 7.5/10
Story - 7/10
Action - 6.5/10
CGI and visuals - 7/10
Soundtrack - 7/10
Overall score: 7 out of 10